Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Plantiff's Needed against Seattle School District Math

I am in the process of organizing a lawsuit in behalf of disadvantaged learners against the Seattle Schools math practices.

If your child could classify as an educationally disadvantaged child and is not able to perform at optimum ability due to math practices in the Seattle Public schools, please write me at:

please include your child's name (or children)
grade level (school name if you desire)
parent's name (or names)
and a phone number

For our purposes an educationally disadvantaged learner can be
a. low income as in free or reduced lunch qualifying or
b. a non-white ethnic minority

we are especially looking for parents and students from the African American Academy or from Cleveland High School.

It is our belief that the Mathematics programs used in Seattle make it much more difficult to learn math than would be the case if more suitable materials were used.

Seattle has failed to provide effective interventions as mentioned in School Board policy.

At this time I believe our best chance for success is to attack this k-12 math fiasco as a civil rights issue.

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