Monday, March 2, 2009

W. Stephen Wilson on the High School math selections

Look here for the latest scoop on these four:

Holt Mathematics
Discovering Algebra /geometry / advanced algebra
and Glencoe....

Holt appears to be the least inadequate of the bunch ...
how is that for a recommendation.

Mathematically sound is not something these publishers are giving enough attention.

The only one of these four programs that is in Seattle's final three is Discovering Algebra etc. ..... It turns out this program is mathematically unsound and incredibly so. I taught from DA in 2000-2001 undoubtedly the worst math book I've ever used.

Which leads to the next question: What is up with the screening process at OSPI / SBE and in the Seattle Public Schools that an incredibly lousy book can be a finalist both places? Talk about bad process in need of a major fix.

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