Saturday, March 7, 2009

SBE meeting in Tumwater ..


There are a lot of math issues on the plate for this meeting, including assessments, a systems approach to math, math achievement and math materials recommendations.
Here is the agenda. The HS Math action is from 3:00 to 4:30 on 3-12-2009


Anonymous said...

Here's one of the many blogs one of your visitors posted - a prof that helps dole out the NSF money that helps make an MSP go.

Goldie is trying to equate standardized testing with an IQ test (because IQ tests are racist, therefore standardized tests must be racist.)

Most other countries have end of course tests for their students, but not here in the US?

Not every test is racist, and besides its what States do with the results that matters, not the test.

A wasteful and extravagent test like the WASL does nothing except settle one question, reform math is indeed as bad as a worn out, smelly shoe.

Anonymous said...

I tried the site and the agenda link and it says the file is damaged. Also it appears the info from Plattner has been removed. Did someone not like the report?

Anonymous said...

Core24 (America Diploma Project) is a lower standard than a high school diploma. The state is aligning itself to lower standards in order to accomodate the textbook publishers.

Anonymous said...

John Dewey warned that educational practices must be the source of the ultimate problems to be investigated if we are to build a science of education.

We may draw from the behavioral sciences, but the behavioral sciences do not define the educational problems.

The faculties of the professional schools draw on the basic sciences and behavioral sciences, but their mandate is mission-oriented, not discipline-centered.

Hence they must, in Dewey's words, "operate through their own ideas, plannings, observations, judgments."

The magnitude of failure of our faculties and professional planners can be compared to Singapore's success in mandating that all children attending public school would be educated with one textbook.

A meritocracy bases social advancement or educational attainment on an examination.

The US is slowly evolving toward that goal. It is important therefore to understand the social and political forces that would actively prevent our society from attaining that goal. Providing books that don't prepare students for college-level mathematics is one strategy. What would be the economic benefit?

Reform is a temporary setback (decades), because all one has to do is write a better textbook which proves books, like IMP and Everyday, were written by a group of racist monkeys (Platoheads). The MSU, UW, Chicago ed departments (and others) will have hell to pay once the public is aware of their subterfuge.

Anonymous said...

It is best to look at how the problems were developed multiple times with teachers and students. The process is the same used for developing CPM and Singapore. The reason for this is that both UC Davis ed faculty and Singapore write the end of course assessments (Golden State Examination). Substantial testing and evaluation was done by both staffs.

None of the reform or traditional based US textbooks was tested this way. You have to take a magnifying glass and tweak the textbook.

What you will have when you've finished is a popular textbook, not ten mutants.