Thursday, February 18, 2010

Everyday Math and Seattle's Math Gaps
+ publisher claims

It is most interesting that the Publishers bury us in studies of their materials that are glowing. Yet we get a mess.

Everyday Math was adopted for SY 2007-2008
at the time of the adoption the CAO Carla Santorno said that EDM would eliminated the Achievement gaps in 4 to 5 years. There are now two years of WASL math scores to look at. So how is it going after two years:

4th grade math WASL scores.

Change in Gap differentials
in 2009 since 2006
3.50% Amer.Indian
5.10% Asian/Pacific Islanders
5.10% Black
4.40% Hispanic
8.90% Limited English
12.70% Low Income

current Gaps with White students 2009
32.10% Amer.Indian
14.80% Asian/Pacific Islanders
49.80% Black
40.80% Hispanic
57.30% Limited English
43.40% Low Income

The situation was bad it got worse under EDM and we have no option but the legal system because our directors are unable to intelligently apply relevant data.

At Cleveland the IMP program materials were used in a problem based and inquiry teaching model with lots of NSF funds and the results were terrible.

Here is a brochure about the wonderful program, the Interactive Mathematics Program

Do these materials give any indication that would lead you to believe that English Language Learners would see falling scores like at Cleveland where in 2009 0% passed the grade 10 math WASL.

In 2009, Cleveland also had over 70% of Black students scoring at level 1 (the far below basic level)

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