Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SPS Misfeasance - Why not a Recall?

In regard to the Superintendents raise and contract extension in which the introductory and action took place at the same meeting ....



Bylaw B45.00 Revised DEC 6, 2006

Motions and resolutions shall be presented in writing to provide opportunities for review and discussion. Routine matters can be placed on the consent agenda for introduction and final action at the meeting at which they are introduced. The Executive Committee shall approve the placement of a routine item on the consent agenda. An item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any Board member. Final action on an item removed from the consent agenda will still take place at the meeting in which it is introduced unless action is deferred to a later meeting by a majority vote of the Board. Emergency motions may also be introduced and acted upon at the meeting at which they are introduced. Such emergency motions shall state that immediate adoption is in the best interest of the District. Non-routine, non-emergency items shall be introduced at one meeting, and the final vote for adoption shall take place no earlier than the next succeeding regular or special Board meeting.

The Superintendent shall assure timely review of all motions and resolutions by central administration and where appropriate, site based staff, before Board approval or rejection, with the exception of emergency motions or other items deemed urgent by the Superintendent. Any written statements about a motion or resolution should be directed to the Superintendent, in his or her capacity as Secretary of the Board, or designee.

All motions or resolutions shall become effective upon adoption, unless a specific effective date is provided in the motion for adoption.

Policies as adopted or amended shall be included in the District’s policy manual and posted on the District’s web site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Districts have to set some goals - AYP is a poor index to measure success. Districts should be more concrete and address the needs of the community, not NCLB which so far can't seem to define what bottom is? School reformers fail to address cost - this is not the Federal Reserve - eventually they will run public schools into the ground with a top-heavy bureaucracy of no-nothings.