Monday, November 19, 2012

Low Income Math Pass rates in grade 8

 WOW!!! Year 2012 produced some disturbing results for Low Income students in 8th grade math at several Seattle Middle Schools... as well as some very encouraging results at Denny and Mercer. Lets take a look at low income student 8th grade MSP Math pass rates.

 8th Grade Math Low Income Students
Year ... :: District :: State (difference)
2009-10 MSP :: 41.5% :: 35.8% (+5.7)
2010-11 MSP :: 44.8% :: 34.8% (+10.0)
2011-12 MSP :: 46.5% :: 40.9% (+5.6)

 MSP MATH SY 2009-2010 School
MSP ALL :: Low Income Student Math pass rate
 Eckstein 84.1 ................:: 61.1
Whitman 74.8 .................:: 48.5
Hamilton 62.1 ................:: 35.6
Denny 56.9 .................. :: 46.8
 Mercer 57 .................. :: 47.1
Aki K 34.8 .................. :: 32.4

SY 2010-2011 School
MSP ALL :: Low Income Student Math pass rate
Eckstein 80.1 .................. 54.4
 Hamilton 70.8 .................. 46.1
Whitman 66.4 .................. 38
Denny 66.8 .................. 59.9
 Mercer 60.7 .................. 55.8
Aki K 36.4 .................. 36

SY 2011-2012 School MSP ALL :: Low Income Student Math pass rate
Eckstein 80.0 .................. 45.9
Hamilton 76.7 .................. 49.2
Whitman 60.5 .................. 24.7
Denny 69.8 .................. 58.6
Mercer 75.5 .................. 69.0
Aki K 29.3 .................. 27.0

SY 2011-2012 School MSP ALL :: Low Income Student Math pass rate
Eckstein 80.0 .................. 45.9
8th Math Low Income Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
2009-10 MSP 61.1% 41.5% (+19.6) :: 15.2%
2010-11 MSP 54.4% 44.8% (+9.6) :: 22.1%
2011-12 MSP 45.9% 46.5% (-0.6) :: 24.8%

 Hamilton 76.7 .................. 49.2
8th Math Low Income Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
2009-10 MSP 35.6% 41.5% (-5.9) :: 35.2%
2010-11 MSP 46.1% 44.8% (+1.3) :: 27.5%
2011-12 MSP 49.2% 46.5% (+2.7) :: 19.0%

Whitman 60.5 .................. 24.7
8th Math Low Income Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
2009-10 MSP 48.5% 41.5% (+7.0) :: 24.7%
2010-11 MSP 38.0% 44.8% (-6.8) :: 29.4%
2011-12 MSP 24.7% 46.5% (-23.8):: 30.1%

Denny 69.8 .................. 58.6
 8th Math Low Income Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
 2009-10 MSP 46.8% 41.5% (+5.3) :: 65.4%
2010-11 MSP 59.9% 44.8% (+14.1) :: 67.3%
2011-12 MSP 58.6% 46.5% (+12.1):: 67.1%

 Mercer 75.5 .................. 69.0
 8th Math Low Income Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
 2009-10 MSP 47.1% 41.5% (+5.6) :: 75.4%
2010-11 MSP 55.8% 44.8% (+11.0) :: 77.3%
2011-12 MSP 69.0% 46.5% (+12.5):: 75.2%

Aki K 29.3 .................. 27.0
8th Math Low Income
Year ........ :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
2009-10 MSP 32.4% :: 41.5% (-9.1) :: 82.3%
2010-11 MSP 36.0% :: 44.8% (-12.8) :: 87.1%
2011-12 MSP 27.0% :: 46.5% (-19.5):: 86.5%

Really disturbing 8th grade results at AKI but at grade 7 in 2012 the exact opposite

7th Math Low Income
Year ... :: School :: District :: difference :: % at Low-Income
2009-10 MSP 32.5% :: 44.7% (-12.7)
2010-11 MSP 22.8% :: 45.8% (-23.0)
2011-12 MSP 44.6% :: 50.4% (-5.8)

Aki has had really high rates of Math Teacher turn over. Why was 7th grade math teacher Terri Barber not offered a contract after teaching one year at Aki?
 How does the Principal at AKI determine which math teachers stay and which leave at AKI? .... She placed TFA teachers at AKI .. so I guess they all stay.

7th grade math Low Income at AKI      
Year    ...........School    District    State

2009-10 MSP    32.5%    44.7%    39.2%
2010-11 MSP    22.8%    45.8%    41.3%
2011-12 MSP    44.6%    50.4%    45.1%

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