Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Aki Kurose grade inflation UpDate

2012 data added:

So what's up at Aki Kurose?

Looks like perhaps there is Admin pressure to give higher grades than warranted.
Reliability = MSP math pass rate / ready for HS Math

29.3% pass 8th grade MSP ... but District says 90% ready for high school math in grade 9
Reliability = 29.3/90 = 32.6%

36.4% pass 8th grade MSP ... but District says 77% ready for high school math in grade 9
Reliability = 36.4/77 = 47.3%

34.8% pass 8th grade MSP ... but District says 73% ready for high school math in grade 9.
Reliability = 34.8/73 = 47.7%

Is the plan of the SPS to use inflated grades to deceive parents about their child's level of math achievement?
So what does ready for high school math mean?

Now it is clear why the SPS adopted "Discovering Algebra". Too few students are ready for high school math.

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