Saturday, December 18, 2010

Proposed Rally
on January 5 to Fire
Dr. Goodloe-Johnson
with cause

I propose that before the 6:00 PM School Board meeting on Wednesday, January 5, we gather at 5:00 PM with formal speeches at 5:30.

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It has been suggested that with darkness in January a Saturday rally may be better.
What are the thoughts of others?
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Dr. Goodloe-Johnson has lied (17%-gate), and failed on numerous occasions to submit certified correct evidence to the court when decisions of the Board are appealed.
On 2-3-2010 she had the Board vote to approve a contract that did not match the action plan. In the redo do-over for that she forged the 3-12-2010 Action report. Someone tampered with evidence submitted to the court in regard to the memo of 1-29-2010 sent to the Bpard on 2-2-10 but never submitted to the court. A different memo masqueraded as the authentic memo.

She forged the NTN Action Report which was presented on 3-12-2010 and used for an introductory item on March 17, 2010.

Her current instructional approach and management have increased math achievement gaps for most subgroups of educationally disadvantaged learners at the high school level.

Reading achievement gaps at the high school level for many subgroups are growing faster than math gaps.

Three documents are available as .pdf downloads or for viewing at

HS GAPS ..:.. : ..:.. Forgery Facts

A response to the Board Work session of Dec. 15, 2010

The above three documents are in a somewhat rough stage at the moment.
First draft but I wanted to get them up for your perusal.

HERE are some pages from the FOIA:

Sent by Enfield ..:.. ..:.. Forgery Proof


PeoneyPower nominates Phil Brockman for next Superintendent.

Do we have a second for that nomination?

Any other nominations from cyberspace?


The document the Board and the Superintendent ignored =>

The study produced by Gates Data Fellow Eric M. Anderson PhD. :

"Correlates of High Achieving Schools: Learning from Top Performing Inner City Public Schools" produced in March 2010.


  1. Seattle Citizen and Melissa Westbrook have stepped up to second the nomination of Phil Brockman for Superintendent.

    The floor is open for discussion or more nominations.

  2. I like it Dan- and maybe a Saturday March?

  3. Given the variablity of January weather, picking a Saturday or any day in January is risky.

    Thus I propose a letter writing campaign.

    So whadda ya all thinkin'?
