Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where's the data?
MGJ has quarterly work session for Board but lacks data.

It was Decmeber 15, 2010 and the Board was at the quarterly work session for the strategic plan "Excellence for ALL", which is failing to live up to the hype and spin. Thus the real data that people can actually understand is not presented.

Director DeBell wanted to know about SpED and Peter Maier wondered:
How can we have a Work Session with no data?

Here are the Special Education data changes contrasting the year before MGJ's arrival ('06-'07) with the changes in 2009 to 2010.

Check it out here. If you wish to print this it requires a 14" wide printer to print as you see it.

So why doesn't the Superintendent bring readable data to work sessions?

Oh yes, because then the Board would know the full extent of this expensive debacle.

I would not bring any data either if I was planning on no changes and was intent on avoiding accountability.

Why is the Board waiting any longer to fire MGJ with cause?

Need data check this response

From the link directly above:
Around Nov 15, five parents had a meeting with CAO Enfield. These parents had questions but the CAO had no answers but she told them she would get back to them in January.


  1. This is surely a civil rights violation for students receiving special ed services.

    Signed, Public embarassment

  2. You might think so... I'm still mystified. Framed in propagandist terms, by insisting on the primacy of (her) opinion regardless of facts, her side destabilizes and destroys the primacy of all fact in the matter.

  3. huh?

    here are the pass rates for students receiving resource room-level support for disabilities (this is the new integrated (so-called) comprehensive delivery model for special education):

    0 sped students (all ICS) at 3 high schools pass.

    1 sped students (all ICS) at 2 high schools pass.

    1 sped student in the entire south end passes.

    30 total sped students in all of SPS pass.

    Signed, no fan of propaganda

  4. I agree with you that the numbers are terrible - none of this has made any impression on lawmakers. They understand the law, but not the classroom. The public fails to realize that after NCLB, children no longer have the right to an equitable education.
