Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Better Plan ... one that works ...
... and is less expensive

{[ It may not be less filling and taste great but it is a whole lot better than what we have been stuck with for the two and a half years of "Excellence for All". ]}

Dear Seattle School Director, 8/21/2010

KUOW’s Phyliss Fletcher reported in her article “Seattle School District: Gregoire Cuts ‘Shocking’ ” on December 17, that:

This year, for the first time, the state auditor told the School Board it should be more involved in district finances. The school district's first internal auditor just quit. He calls the district finance problems "systemic" and claims district staff ignored his warnings.

Duggan Harman says anything the school district can do to be more efficient will help students, and that district staff will work over the holiday break to come up with recommendations of cuts to present to the School Board in January.

After analyzing some of the 88 slides from the Dec 15, 2010 Board "Work Session" involving the strategic plan "Excellence for All", I have a recommendation for more than tinkering with cost cutting during the holiday break.

The focus must shift to efficiency.

My thoughts develop an entirely new direction for the SPS, based on relevant data and proven instructional strategies.
It is attached.

This took a fair amount of time to construct and I hope you will find it worthwhile. I know the data will be more useful than what Dr. Goodloe-Johnson provides.

If you have any questions or comments, please write.


Danaher M. Dempsey, Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Trimming the waste and fat in education means removing administrative overhead, like curriculum and instruction.

    Christmas is an appropriate season for education. The District can be Scrooge.

    Simplifying curriculum would make the process more transparent for parents and teachers.
