Monday, July 27, 2015

5% of Black students tested show college ready in 4 areas of ACT

ACT report for 2014  National and States scores  & African American Students

 241,678 African-American students took the ACT in 2014

Here are the percents of students that met ACT benchmarks in various disciplines.

Black students percent in (  )  

English 64% ( 34% )

Reading 44% ( 17% )

Math 43% ( 14 % )

Science 37% ( 10% )

All Four Subjects 26% ( 5% )

When will WA State stop the fraud of "Career & College Ready" Graduation requirements?

1 comment:

  1. Disturbing but entirely consistent with this report is that - if degrees in education are omitted - African-American students who earn postbaccalaureate degrees remain abysmally low and almost unchanged over the decades.
