Wednesday, April 13, 2011

E2SHB 1443 ... Insanity reigns in the State Senate on 4/12
30 Senators go gaga over ed reform
Where is the evidence?

OMG this is beyond irrational .....

Get the complete scoop E2SHB 1443 on School-Truth here.

Remember WPPSS when there was an attempt to build 5 nukes without consideration of number of laborers in the trades and without ever building anything before... => result a massive BOND Default.

Senators...... Anyone remember Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) ?.... WPPSS tried to build five nuclear power plants simultaneously .... but failed to create any prototypes and the failure to build sequentially was an enormous mistake that had a huge negative impact upon the public well-being.

WPPSS has at least two too many parallels to the CCSS proposal.

(1) No orderly rational approach to the problem because states are in an Obama/Duncan Federal hurry …. thus no prototype is proposed {Fast Food like Test creation with 40+ franchises needed now, would you invest in this without even a single successful outlet in existence? Only RttT bribe money put this on the table.}.

(2) WPPSS had never built anything of any size before..... the testing consortia have never created anything before either.

It is way past time for the legislature to stop wasting resources on incomplete, defective education proposals. I figured that being out of money this session would lead to better decision-making. I’ve been wrong on that so far.

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