Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forgery Ignored in Buying Out MGJ and DK for $400,000

First of all Watch this 2 minutes ==>


of Board President Steve Sundquist narrowly focusing on only one area to say that the Board did not believe that the Superintendent was guilty of Malfeasance. Then below start watching the testimonies that Director Sundquist watched before his ridiculous statement that the Board thought the Superintendent innocent of any malfeasance.

My original Testimony Alerting the Board to their obligation to file a police complaint for forgery.


Ricky Malone on What did the Board members know and When?

Followed by Eric Blumhagen on what the contract actually says. Without cause? How can this be?

Then my testimony on the Board's failure to see obvious and repeated wrong doing.
WOW!! 22 hours for the Cover up .... rather than actually looking for cause.

No transparency instead a whitewash. Who could miss the wrong doing? Apparently 7 Board members.

Then the fine testimony on the Board's many failures. David Edleman from Ingraham speaks. He finds a culture of School Board failure of oversight and failure to ask questions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLvNYAFCVPE

Now it turns out that Sundquist and Martin-Morris were likely aware of wrong doing at least a year ago. How convenient to only have 22 hours for the public to react. Director Sundquist wrote the Action Reports on March 1 released at 8:00 PM for the Board meeting the next day March 2 at 6 PM to make the two Buy Outs.

THIS WAS A $400,000 attempted cover-up. Director Sundquist should resign ASAP.


  1. SPS doesn't want the rest of the story to get investigated. Smells like dirty laundry. Recall the whole lot and ask the feds to step in to restore public trust. This is a circus and they know it. I couldn't face another board meeting with this much frufraw.

  2. First on the agenda for the next board meeting is cocktail hour - prune juice with a vodka chaser.

  3. "SPS doesn't want the rest of the story to get investigated"

    They don't necessarily have a choice.....

  4. "...ask the feds to step in to restore public trust."

    Sorry, but believe it or not the Feds do not have the authority to "step in". The Feds can only strip their funding away. The mayor doesn't even have the authority to "step in." Washington state law just doesn't provide for that.

  5. How then does an investigation proceed to 'restore trust'? This was an identical problem for our district and to my knowledge nothing ever was accomplished and the red-faced crooks made off with a load of beans.

  6. There's another story breaking in my neighborhood about a $3 million dollar payoff. Is this going to be treated like business as usual, every time a Superintendent gets caught with their hands in both pots.
