Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SPS to work on Explaining Numbers

Today the School Board will have a work session with an emphasis on explaining numbers.

The way the numbers have manipulated by the Superintendent to manipulate the public as exposed in the Seattle Times and on the Seattle Schools Blog has certainly necessitated today's meeting.

I figured the directors might need a little help so I wrote and email with an attached letter. Here it is:

Dear Directors,

I have never cherry-picked numbers or attempted to mislead anyone, but I am not in Seattle school leadership either.

I am happy to see that there will be an emphasis on explaining numbers.

I have several questions that perhaps you or the Superintendent could answer today.

See attached letter, which contains numbers (accurate numbers from OSPI):

#1. What does it mean when 87% of 8th graders are ready for High School Math?

#2. How can the accuracy of that number be determined after two years in high school?

#3. At Denny why in the three years 2008, 2009, 2010 is there NO correlation between Readiness percentages and OSPI test results?

#4. What is going on with the UW's Math Education Project in Southeast High Schools?
If something worthwhile is happening, then why are the scores so abysmal?

#5. Given the:
A. Extreme lack of progress in math,

(except at middle school last year for many students)
(and especially for many educationally disadvantaged learners)
B. Dr. Deming's recommendations,
C. The top down structure of Seattle school management,
D. The disregard of relevant data, and
E. Craig Parsley's article in Crosscuts

What is the plan for improvement?

#6. Why does the Board allow the Superintendent to commit apparent criminal acts and not call for an investigation?


Danaher M. Dempsey, Jr.

HERE is that attached letter

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