Monday, November 8, 2010

Special Ed Report Card on MGJ's Plan of differentiating instruction
reveals a colossal failure to serve
Special Education Students

The Special Education practices of MGJ in regard to class size does not matter and more students need to be mainstreamed does not appear to be serving students particularly well.

The test score gains made from 2006 to 2007 the year before MGJ's arrival were spectacular when compared with the poor showing last year of score changes measured from 2009 to 2010.

On Tuesday 11/8/2010 in Seattle, WA the SPS will issue school report cards for each school.

Given the level of chaos created by Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's inclusion of Special Education students into classrooms without adequate academic support, I thought a statistical analysis of SpEd students and All students results might provide some insight for the District as a whole.

I first ran a comparison of change of scores from OSPI's 2009 testing with 2010 testing for all students in 20 separate tested grade levels and subject areas for Special Ed students. I then did the same for All students. Upon finding those results very unimpressive for Special Ed students I then repeated the calculations for the changes from 2006 to 2007, which was the last year of testing prior to Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's arrival. MGJ says class size does not matter, well she seems to be oblivious to something that matters as the results were substandard.

The results are shockingly different under MGJ's leadership.
Last years changes in 20 areas showed SpEd students generally performing worse than all students in change of scores. In 10 cases SpEd students scored at least 1% worse than All, while in only 3 cases did SpEd students score at least 1% better than all.

The year before Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's arrival was markedly better for SpEd students.
In 20 areas SpEd students scored at least 1% better than All students 17 times, while scoring worse than All students only twice.

When the changes are match up for all 20 cases
the SpEd Students change was better in all 20 cases in 2007 than in 2010.

In 19 of those case the differential was greater than 1%.
In 13 of those cases the differential was greater than 5%.
In 5 of those cases the differential was greater than 10%.

Here are those Special Ed minus All differentials:

.:..:..:. 06' to 07' .:. 09 to '10 .:. Change differential
.:..:..:. Change .:. Change : Superiority of 07 over '10

Gr. 3 Read : 5.40% .:. -6.30% .:. 11.70%
Gr. 3 Math : 4.40% .:. -2.40% .:. 6.80%

Gr. 4 Read : 9.10% .:. -3.30% .:. 12.40%
Gr. 4 Math : 3.50% .:. 0.10% .:. 3.40%
Gr.4 Write : 6.40% .:. 2.20% .:. 4.20%

Gr. 5 Read : 8.50% .:. -1.60% .:. 10.10%
Gr. 5 Math : 4.90% .:. -2.80% .:. 7.70%
Gr.5 Science: 6.90% .:. 0.80% .:. 6.10%

Gr. 6 Read: 10.80% .:. 0.20% .:. 10.60%
Gr. 6 Math : 3.20% .:. -0.90% .:. 4.10%

Gr. 7 Read : 5.70% .:. 2.30% .:. 3.40%
Gr. 7 Math : -1.60% .:. -2.50% .:. 0.90%
Gr.7 Write : 8.90% .:. -8.80% .:. 17.70%

Gr. 8 Read .:. 6.70% .:. -0.40% .:. 7.10%
Gr. 8 Math .:. 0.40% .:. -2.00% .:. 2.40%
Gr.8 Science: -1.30% .:. -3.30% .:. 2.00%

Gr.10 Read : 9.80% .:. 1.80% .:. 8.00%
Gr.10 Math : 4.60% .:. -4.00% .:. 8.60%
Gr.10 Writ : 8.90% .:. -0.30% .:. 9.20%
Gr.10 Sci. : 8.10% .:. -0.60% .:. 8.70%

Why does the School Board continue to follow Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's pathetic Strategic Plan?

Once again we are in the midst of a failed experiment and the School Board does nothing other than continue to fail the students they are charged with providing an adequate education. Dr. Goodloe-Johnson inflates both spending and central administration and produces horrible results. Check the data above and remember her words:
"Assessing every student and placing them according to ability sounds like tracking and discrimination…and we’ve moved light years away from that."

What utter hogwash doth this lady utter.


Find out how the District's scores compare with the state's scores HERE.

A comment below informs me that this is not a measure of the ICS Special Ed model as ICS has only been implemented k-2.

What this does measure is the state of special ed in the third year of Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's leadership.


  1. The "new" special ed inclusion is only currently serving grades K-2. The data isn't measuring any new district ICS model.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Great thanks for the ICS information.

    -- Dan
