Sunday, November 14, 2010

Seattle School Board Recall Update
Wanted 32,000 valid signatures of Seattle Voters


The Directors have responded HERE.

The Recall Sufficiency Hearing will be
Thursday, November 18th 2010
at 3:00 PM in Judge Laura Inveen's courtroom W-864
of the King County Courthouse.

Briefs (see below) were filed by the persons seeking the Recall of each of four Seattle School Directors. These briefs deal with the sufficiency of the charges brought against each School Director in the Ballot Synopsis (see below) produced by the King County Prosecutor. We expect to have petitions approved at a superior court sufficiency hearing and then to print petitions and begin gathering signatures for the recall of each of four Seattle school directors after Thanksgiving.

To force a Recall election a minimum of 32,000 signatures for each director to be recalled must be gathered from voters registered in the City of Seattle and submitted on or before April 30th 2011.

A single voter may sign all four petitions.

Below are the Ballot Synopses from the Prosecutor's Office and the Briefs to filed by those seeking Recall.

Steven Sundquist
Ballot Synopsis

Harium Martin-Morris
Ballot Synopsis

Sherry Carr
Ballot Synopsis

Peter Maier
Ballot Synopsis

A recall election occurs 45 to 60 days after the validation of the required number of signatures need for recall. A recall election has only one candidate and the voter is asked to vote either for discharge from current office or retention of the previously elected official.

The Current terms of these four Directors will end in November unless they are Recalled and Discharged from Office. The Primary election for these four positions will be in August 2011. Candidates for office need to declare in early June. If a Director is recalled the balance of their term will be filled by an appointed director.

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