Monday, November 22, 2010

Letter about the (17%) Fraud of 2.5 years & MORE LIES

SAO assistant audit manager, Tony Martinez, may have an interest in your response, in regard to the linked Seattle Times Truth Needle article.

by Linda Shaw.

Dear School Board President Michael DeBell,

The Strategic Plan, Excellence for All, at bottom of page 11 in the Table (this is .pdf page 14/55)

SPS Goals 2008 - 2013

Graduates meeting High School credit requirement for four-years colleges = 17%

This was done on June 4, 2008 .... so 2.5 years of Fraud.....

Brought to you by the Strategic Plan.

The Superintendent and Mr. Bernetek have mislead public officials; this is a gross misdemeanor at the minimum.

You now have substantial evidence from the production of the 3-12-2010 NTN Action Report of Forgery, a Class C Felony. Are any directors planning to fulfill their oath of office by taking appropriate action in regard to a Superintendent and some of her Team Members, who mislead public officials in violation of the law?

SAO assistant audit manager, Tony Martinez, may have an interest in your response.

Danaher M. Dempsey, Jr.

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