Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Which Anderson Memo ...
.... from MJG used by whom????
and received when ... that said what?

Dear Director Kay Smith-Blum, 10/26/2010

On 4/11/2010 you wrote "Hey Dan, can you send me the memo from Eric Anderson 1/29/10 – don’t have in file. Thanks’ksb" requesting the memo of 1-29-2010.

I sent you the requested memo, which SPS legal affairs officer Joy Stevens sent to me. What I sent to you was the memo I received after asking on 3/15/2010 for the memo to which the Action Report of 3/12/2010 referred. The Action report said: "and provided the following feedback in a memo sent to the board on January 29, 2010:"

It is very clear that this memo I received was not the memo that was used to write the Action Report of 3/12/2010. Rather a different less complete modified version showed up in the transcript of evidence provided by the District on May 21, 2010. I find it particularly odd that two versions of the same memo have the same date from Eric Anderson and that the memo version, which presents the more positive view of NTN was provided as evidence. This version contained only 6 schools not the 8 of the version sent to me.

Particularly disturbing is that the memo, I specifically asked for that was sent to me, was not used to construct the Action Report.

We at S3B have requested copies of emails sent from the Superintendent to the Board to which the memo of 1-29-2010 was attached. We hope to ascertain, which version of the memo was sent to each director and when this memo sending occurred.

Please review the attached RCWs in regard to fraud and forgery. Any assistance that you can provide would be appreciated.

Thank you for your continued efforts to produce a transparent accountable district.

At this point the SPS appears to be a long way from transparency and accountability.

I have found Eric Anderson to be a responsible and competent individual.

Given the Audit released on July 6, 2010, I do not find the Superintendent either accountable or competent.

I look forward to your reply.


Danaher M. Dempsey, Jr.

The attachments included with the above letter were these:

Action Report of 3/12/2010

Original Anderson memo

Modified version of the memo

Comparison of Action Report with the modified memo

RCWs on fraud and forgery


Dear Directors DeBell and Smith-Blum,

It seems that transparency could be greatly enhanced by the following.

The Action Report of 3/12/2010 stated:

"The District examined the standards-based achievement results of STEM-focused New Technology Network (NTN) schools around the country, and provided the following feedback in a memo sent to the board on January 29, 2010:"

So check your email with a quick search of January 29, 2010. Pleased send me the memo from Dr. Goodloe-Johnson that you received on January 29, 2010.


Dan Dempsey

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