Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BIG RALLY 5:30 PM 6-16-2010

#1 The Seattle Schools are out of control

due to lousy misguided central administration.
Four rubber-stampers on the school board compound the problem with 4-3 decisions by supporting many expensive ill conceived plans from Superintendent MGJ.

#2 The Principle task of the school board these days is to maintain the facade attempting to cover up #1 above.

If you are a Seattle resident ==> Join the revolution by signing this petition. Get your Seattle neighbors to sign as well.

Anyone is welcome to come to the Rally on Wednesday starts at 5:30 PM at 3rd & Lander
in SODO less than a mile south of Safeco. If you work in Seattle drop by after work.

Need reasons to come or sign?
Try the comments accompanying this article.

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