Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pickets say International Baccalaureate misguided

Pickets say International Baccalaureate misguided
Associated Press The Spokesman-Review

Hayden Meadows Elementary International Baccalaureate

Foes of an internationally focused curriculum offered in some North Idaho schools have been taking to the streets to publicize their fears that the program spreads anti-American ideology.

Kootenai County sheriff's deputies had to be called to keep protesters of the International Baccalaureate program at Hayden Meadows Elementary School from snarling traffic.


Angie Phillips, next year's Parent Teacher Association president at Hayden Meadows, says she'd like people to take a step back from the controversy, which has resulted in her getting phone calls questioning whether Hayden Meadows has children say the Pledge of Allegiance - or even displays the American flag.

"I'm a Republican, I'm a Christian," Phillips told the Coeur d'Alene Press. "I'm as all-American as you're going to get." {?????} {non-Christians and non-Republicans are ????}

another fine quality piece in .... The Spokesman-Review via The Coeur d'Alene Press and AP.


  1. That's really ridiculous - Hayden Lake also gives public display permits for minute militia and fascists. I'm not surprised they'd go paranoid over anything with the word 'international' in it. My fear is there wouldn't be enough students in Northern Idaho able to do the curriculum, so why bother teaching it. A teacher salary not too long ago in Idaho was $19k starting. Finding a qualified teacher sometimes is so bad in Idaho that classes are only offered in alternating years. Sun Valley had to start a private school and then they asked for volunteers in the community?!

  2. I started teaching in 1968 in Cottonwood Idaho ... got married and raised my take home pay to $404 per month paid over 10 months.

    Contract was for $4,500

    As for concern about capability of kids and a rigorous curriculum... I had incredibly hard working kids from stable families and many were involved in dry land wheat or ranching.... Really fine people.

    When a class of 21 turns out 1 electrical engineer and 1 architect and lots of other accomplished professionals rigorous curriculum is not much of an issue. More important is these kids became people who lead wonderful lives.

    Anonymous said... "gives public display permits for minute militia and fascists."

    I hope you are not suggesting that "free" speech should be regulated by permits.
