Friday, May 14, 2010

RttT : October 2009 Smoking Gun
.....BLAM Four SPS Directors


Emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) {Competitive grant}
▪ Develop a plan to (i) offer a rigorous course of study in STEM, (ii) work with industry experts, universities, etc, to prepare teachers for integrating STEM content, and (iii) prepare more students to pursue advanced study and careers in STEM

KnowledgeWorks Foundation, the parent of the New Technology Network, already had their hand in the cashbox ... Good Job Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson with that top down unilateral decision that removed the community from any input into Cleveland High School's future direction.

Not to mention the great work by OSPI {toss TEAM DORN out ASAP}.

Nice Job of voting by Seattle's gang of four Directors. Why didn't these four Directors mention this was the real $$$$$ reason for their voting to approve the $800,000 NTN contract instead of those Flimsy Weak Justifications?

Is anyone else tiring of the constant parade of FWJ?

1 comment:

  1. Once again, without an appropriate set of guidelines for evaluating capital projects requests, there is no law in Washington State. Our districts will continue being turned into checkbooks for every schemer with a connection to a school board member. Gregoire and McKenna are just two chickens in a roost of well-paid heels.

    Start filing public records requests and lets turn these suckers in or at least call their bluffs. Stop voting yes for their ridiculous bond proposals until we get accountability and they can substantiate their claims.
