Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Civil Rights Law Changes Law in Public Schools OSPI needs your feedback.

New Civil Rights Law Changes Law in Public Schools
OSPI needs your feedback.

In 2010, the Washington State Legislature and Governor Gregoire passed the bill HB 3026, which bans discrimination in public schools based on race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, veteran or military status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

We need your feedback in any form (mail, fax) or by e-mail or online by completing the survey.

Feedback closing date: June 11, 2010 by 5:00 p.m. – Law becomes active on June 10, 2010
Note links to law are here

18 NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The superintendent of public instruction
19 shall develop rules and guidelines to eliminate discrimination
20 prohibited in section 2 of this act as it applies to public school
21 employment, counseling and guidance services to students, recreational
22 and athletic activities for students, access to course offerings, and
23 in textbooks and instructional materials used by students.

24 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. The office of the superintendent of public
25 instruction shall monitor local school districts' compliance with this
26 chapter, and shall establish a compliance timetable, rules, and
27 guidelines for enforcement of this chapter.

28 NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. Any person aggrieved by a violation of this
29 chapter, or aggrieved by the violation of any rule or guideline adopted
30 under this chapter, has a right of action in superior court for civil
31 damages and such equitable relief as the court determines.


  1. good luck enforcing such a law - the feds seldom would - so why should the state pass another law - this is more bureaucratic nonsense to cover their a.... There has been one discrimination lawsuit in the past five years that I know of in Washington and the students won, so why legislate another law unless it were to challenge federal law.

  2. Exactly ... but ya never know...

    maybe OSPI equity will sue OSPI math team using this law.

    I do appreciate Sharon Tamiko Santos for making a good attempt.

    It will be interesting to see what OSPI's Jean Paul of the Equity dept. can do in the development of guidelines.

  3. Maybe this could be helpful to those of us on the other side.
    Those of us who believe in equity of opportunity for ALL students to achieve to their best level can perhaps sue for better instructional materials.
    It doesn't appear that we will get them any other way.
    We also can sue for materials and funded programs for gifted students.
    And if they write the law to exclude those students, we can sue them on that basis. Then they would have to say that discrimination doesn't apply to certain populations.
    Yeah, it's this kind of social engineering that can actually bite them in the rear.
    I know who these people are, and I know what their goals are. But perhaps this can be used against them.

  4. Laurie,

    The question is can you get a judge to enforce a law as written?


  5. Why would OSPI want public feedback? I would rather want to hear the judges' comments or a statement from the ACLU. Washington's public whistleblower laws are the weakest in the US. Lets prosecute. Every time we get a law like this, things get quiet as people analyze whether things are going to get better or worse. No wonder nothing ever gets done.
