Tuesday, May 4, 2010

math PhD. Info

This is not particularly pertinent to anything, it is just background information that is for context (context for what is a different question).

Last year the USA produced 1,430 Ph.D.s in mathematics. 669 of them were US citizens. 761 were not US citizens. (47% US citizens) The majority will never do research after their thesis.
68% were male.

19 were African American (i.e. US Citizens). 8 males, 11 females.
{ 19/669 = 3% v. 13% of USA population}
19 were Hispanic or Latino US Citizens
{ 19/669 = 3% v. 15% of USA population}
4 American Indians, all female.
{ 4/669 = 0.6% v. 0.8% full blooded and 0.6% partial}

USA (2006) 66% non-Hispanic White population.

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