Thursday, May 7, 2009

Discovering adopted in Seattle Vote 4-3

Seattle has chosen to mathematically disable the children for the next decade by using the Discovering Series from Key Curriculum Press.

Typical nonsense triumphs once again.


  1. The vote was expected - no sup would ever push through an unpopular adoption unless they knew already what the outcome was.

    You have the youthful optimisim of an activist, but...that's not enough.

    The interesting question is why would an administrator go out of their way to stir up controversy in a district over a textbook?

    And...this is after the school closures. This board hired Goodloe, they knew her previous history, they are getting what they paid for with dividends.

  2. Glad I do not teach math in Seattle School District.

  3. I hope that parents will have their children independently tested in math to have a true assessment of college readiness, rather than relying on grades in a "discovery" course.

    If they don't and they are not aware that intervention needs to occur early at home, they will be shocked with the child's placement into remedial math in college.

    It's unfortunate because they may end up paying for an appropriate math education three times. Once, with the tax dollars invested in new, but mediocre, math texts in high school. A second time, when paying for individual tutors during high school and college in an attempt to fill all of the gaps. Then a third time for non-credit, tuition courses in college.

    It's very unfortunate, and absolutely avoidable!!

    (Where did the school board members receive their math degrees?)

  4. Dan,

    What happened to the lawsuit you filed last summer? Did it ever get heard in court? Any results?


  5. NOPE I've not made it to court yet.

  6. OSPI needs to think of something more flattering than a 3-legged stool to describe their math program.

    If math reform were a legged-stool, Singapore would be a bicycle. I would rather go the mile with a bicycle to learn science than have to walk with a three-legged, flat-footed 50-pound elephant's stool like Everyday Math.
