Saturday, May 16, 2009

$2.24 million for pedagogy of inquiry


  1. This is the abstract:

    Who benefits? Warfield and McDermott

    "This project continues and expands the GK-12 Program in Mathematics at the University of Washington by leveraging several existing K-12 outreach programs to help increase the subject-matter understanding of pre-college mathematics teachers and their students while increasing the Fellows' understanding of teaching and learning. Ten to fifteen graduate students are placed in local elementary and junior high school math classrooms. Fellows receive initial preparation in instructional methods of inquiry-based mathematics by McDermott (co-PI) and the Physics Education Group followed by Developing Mathematical Ideas sessions to analyze student thinking directed by Warfield, Co-PI of the Expanding a Community of Mathematics Learners, a local systemic change project."

    SPS is ablaze and UW-LIFE plays the Marriage of Figaro!

  2. If you want to dance, my dear little count. I'll play the tune for you.

  3. How many teachers are losing their jobs this year?

    The NSF and UW can go where the sun don't shine!

  4. The math reform movement is pedaling demagogy. To reduce learning to a lesson in self discovery is to send fools into an age before fire. An impoverished curriculum is a one-way time machine to the post-millennia. Where's the critical research?!
