Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Legacy of R.L. Moore and TERC

History Lesson from 1970 and its impact today.

concludes with ...
We modestly suggest that each mathematics major should have the opportunity to take at least one course taught by each of these methods during his undergraduate career.

From the modest suggestion above ... how did we get to TERC/Investigations etc.?

1 comment:

  1. This legacy goes back even further to T.E Moore (Skull and Bones member) and R.E Moore's instructor at the U. of Chicago. R.E. Moore was well-known as a racist. Both men did have some contact with Blavatsky and Outwardbound founder, Kurt Hahn.

    The connection between the Moore method and discovery learning is perhaps only in the minds of the authors (Webster and Treisman). Webster who did his influential studies on Austin City Schools in elementary classrooms and Treisman who published his taped conversations with college engineering minority students at a UC tutoring center.
