WAC 180-51-061 (effective July 1, 2009)
Minimum requirements for high school graduation.
(1) The statewide minimum subject areas and credits required for high school graduation, beginning July 1, 2009, for students who enter the ninth grade or begin the equivalent of a four-year high school program, shall total 20 as listed below.
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(b) Three mathematics credits that at minimum align with mathematics grade level expectations for ninth and tenth grade, plus content that is determined by the district the high school mathematic standards as developed and revised by the office of superintendent of public instruction and satisfy the requirements set forth below. Assessment shall include the 10th grade Washington assessment of student learning beginning 2008.
(1) Unless otherwise provided for in subsection (3) of this rule, the three mathematics credits required under this rule must include mathematics courses taken in the following progressive sequence:
(a) Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II;
(b) Integrated Mathematics I, Integrated Mathematics II, and Integrated Mathematics III; or
(c) Any combination of three mathematics courses set forth in (a) and (b) of this subsection but only if the courses are taken for credit in a progressive sequence (e.g. Algebra I, Integrated Mathematics II, Algebra II; Integrated Mathematics I, Geometry, Algebra II; Algebra I, Geometry, Integrated Mathematics III).
(2) An equivalent career and technical education (CTE) mathematics course meeting the requirements set forth in RCW 28A.230.097 can be taken for credit instead of one of the mathematics courses set forth in subsection (1)(a) and (b) above if the CTE mathematics course is recorded on the student’s transcript using the equivalent academic high school department designation and course title.
(3) A student may elect to pursue a third credit of mathematics, other than Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics III if all of the following requirements are met:
(a) the student has completed for credit mathematics courses in:
(1) Algebra I and Geometry;
(2) Integrated Mathematics I and Integrated Mathematics II; or
(3) Any combination of two mathematics courses set forth in (1) or (2) of this subsection taken in a progressive sequence (i.e., Algebra I and Integrated Mathematics II; Integrated Mathematics I and Geometry);
(b) the student’s election is based on a career oriented program of study identified in the student’s high school and beyond plan that is currently being pursued by the student;
(c) the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) agree that the third credit of mathematics elected is a more appropriate course selection than Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics III because it will better serve the student’s education and career goals;
(d) A meeting is held with the student, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student, and a high school counselor or advisor for the purpose of discussing the student’s high school and beyond plan and advising the student of the requirements for credit bearing two and four year college level mathematics courses; and
(e) The school has the parent(s)/guardian(s) sign a form acknowledging that the meeting with the school counselor or advisor has occurred, the information as required was discussed; and the parent(s)/guardian(s) agree that the third credit of mathematics elected is a more appropriate course selection given the student’s education and career goals.
The complete scoop is available at the SBE website as draft rule for 3rd math credit march 2008 for public comment
Once again a person almost needs a doctorate degree to understand all these stipulations. Math is a simple discipline, but is not an easily understood one.
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