Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My comment on CCSS math survival at Hechinger

Hechinger Report on CCSS in December 2014
Who was behind the Common Core math standards, and will they survive?

My response:

The CCSS were unproven, hurried, untried, untested and pushed by "Arne Duncan's abuse of funding via Race to the Top dollars.

This Hechinger article appears to be a "somewhat dishonest" propaganda piece.

"the Common Core only contains broad guidelines about what students should know, not directions about how textbooks should be written or how teachers should teach."

Check the Geometry Standards – these look like something tried in the Soviet Union long ago and without success. Clearly a strong logical proof centered Geometry text like Jurgensen’s would not meet the CCSS-M focus.

The Standards for Mathematical Practice and CCSS tests from SBAC and PARCC certainly seem to contradict the statement "not directions about how textbooks should be written or how teachers should teach."

The CCSS result has been a big boost to "No Vendor Left Behind" and "Race to the Bank" as Pearson, hardware vendors, and textbook sellers cash in.

A careful analysis of "Early CCSS Adopting" Kentucky's results reveals the failing nature of this misguided expensive overreaching centralized power grab.

John Hattie in "Visible Learning for Teachers" shows how to maximize student learning by the decentralization of decision making. He uses "relevant data" and intelligently applies it...... Unlike CCSS manufacturers.

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