Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Seattle School Board Recall Round #2
Coming the week of October 18

Update a different person will be filing for the recall and discharge of Director Maier.

Filings for the Recall and Discharge will be filed the Week of October 18, 2010 for four Seattle School directors.

Directors Carr, Martin-Morris, Maier, and Sundquist are alleged to have violated RCW 28A.335.190, which requires competitive bids on large purchases unless an exemption is warranted.

The four directors approved an $800,000 no bid contract with the New Tech Network, without taking the necessary steps for an exemption from the competitive bid process.

The first two pages of the filing of Director Maier's Recall are HERE.

The entire 32 pages are HERE.

Exhibits are not included.

Marissa V. Essad will NOT seek the recall and discharge of Director Maier.
A different person will seek the recall and discharge of Director Maier.

Joan Sias will seek the recall and discharge of Director Martin-Morris.

Joy L. Anderson will seek the recall and discharge of Director Sundquist.

Kate Martin will seek the recall and discharge of Director Carr.

It is expected that these filing will pass the court sufficiency test in mid-November. Then the signature gathering for each director's recall of the necessary minimum of approximately 32,000 signatures of registered Seattle voters can begin. Sufficient signatures would force a recall election for each director.


  1. Put off until the week of October 18

  2. Good News!!!

    The Prosector's Office has forwarded the filing to Superior Court for a sufficiency hearing.

    This hearing will happen before thanksgiving.


    Thursday Nov 18th at 3:00 PM

