Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why NY test mess is far from over.
Exams fundamentally flawed

New York's "test mess" is worse than even the avowedly reformist state education leaders have acknowledged -- and it may not be over yet, either.

A close look at the data (some of which became available only via the Freedom of Information Law) strongly suggests that the exams created each year by CTB/McGraw-Hill -- which purportedly measure the math and English proficiency of 1.2 million New York students -- are fundamentally flawed. That means that even Regents Chancellor Meryll Tisch and state Education Commissioner David Steiner's "recalibrating" of the scoring can't fix the problem.

The state Education Department paid the company $38 million for the tests used in 2006-'09.


  1. Finally, the lightbulbs go on at the NY Post. McGraw-Hill is serving cross purposes - writing exams for its fundamentally flawed math and science programs. The DOE is equally culpable. This does not take a genius to understand, just honest people.

  2. If the AG won't investigate then the public will.
