Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reform Education Mayor Loses in WA DC
Chancellor Michelle Rhee likely Out

In the Washington Post:

Pro Reform Education Mayor Fenty Loses in the Primary.

Fenty, the youngest mayor in the four decades of home rule, drew national accolades for his efforts to reform schools; oversaw a dramatic decline in the homicide rate; and led a successful drive to build neighborhood amenities such as recreational centers, dog parks and athletic fields. .......

But across town in the Lamond Riggs neighborhood of Northeast, Victor Cumber voted for Gray because he feels the mayor has lost touch with the people who put him in office four years ago. "Fenty is trying to do some things for the city, but I don't see him doing things for the people," said Cumber, 58, who is black. "People need jobs and the kids need to be taken care of. Why did he have to close some schools and get rid of their teachers?" ....

Fenty's most high-profile initiative - the takeover and reform of the city's long-troubled public schools - drew equal praise and criticism for the appointment of hard-charging Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee and the terminations of hundreds of teachers and central office staff. The teacher firings, as well as the closings of two dozen schools, affected African Americans most directly. ...

A Gray victory would recast the balance of power in city government, likely giving more influence to teachers, public employee unions and other labor, business and neighborhood groups that endorsed him.

How Adrian Fenty lost his reelection bid for D.C. mayor
By Nikita Stewart and Paul Schwartzman

Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, September 15, 2010; 4:56 AM


More from DC: Is that so, Chancellor Rhee?

So, it turns out, the problem with school reforms in D.C. -- which contributed to the defeat of D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty in the Democratic primary -- wasn’t that some of them were punitive and nonsensical.

What she should feel somewhat bad about is still refusing to understand that a lot of people rejected her reforms not because they didn’t understand them, but because they didn’t like them and in some cases thought they were harmful.

If Rhee does some reach some agreement with Vincent Gray, the man who defeated Fenty and is all but certain to be elected mayor in November, that will result in Rhee’s continuation as chancellor, it will almost certainly require that she acknowledge what really happened.
Ed Week on Rhee and Gray's win.
Michelle Rhee's Future in Doubt After Fenty Loses D.C. Primary

great comments follow this article
Jay Mathews: Good-bye Rhee. Hello who?

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