Monday, September 29, 2008

Textbook Errors in Texas

A great idea in Texas
Textbook Error Reporting
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has created a program that will allow the public to report errors discovered in textbooks and other adopted instructional materials used in Texas classrooms. This program, set to begin on September 29, 2008, will also provide the public with access to a list of all of the errors discovered.
Students, teachers, parents, and others concerned about the accuracy and quality of textbooks are encouraged to use the email address textbookerrors@ tea.state. to report any errors in fact, misspellings, or other inaccuracies. The TEA will review all reported errors, and list those that are confirmed in the Inventory of Known Textbook Errors posted on the TEA website. For each confirmed error, the TEA will notify both the publisher and each district using the materials, as well as release an announcement via the recently established Textbook Errors mailing list. The TEA will also follow up to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to correct the errors.
The purpose of this program is to ensure that Texans who rely on textbooks to educate and to be educated have the benefit of error-free instructional materials. Posting the known errors to the website will support those who use textbooks by providing relevant and timely information about the reliability of those materials.
To learn more about this program, report an error, or sign up for the Textbook Errors mailing list, please visit http://www.tea. state.tx. us/textbooks/ textbookerrors. html.
Tiffanay Waller
Administrative Assistant
Instructional Materials and Educational Technology
Texas Education Agency

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For over ten years, errors in the textbooks have been documented and the TEA is only now beginning to address problems with the textbooks. Embedded learning (aka inquiry-based aka discovery aka constructivist aka situational learning) has been proven time and again to be totally ineffective in urban classrooms where the first fraudulent claims were made in Houston over twenty years with disadvantaged children.

The TEA is too little and too late. An entire generation of children have been pushed through an education system that is now legendary for its rigid, bureaucratic stupidity in promoting poorly written textbooks and failing to educate over half the children in the United States.

If it wasn't a crime, then it should be.